Theme Setup Service

If you already have a hosting provider, we can provide you with our theme setup service which includes the installation of WordPress and the Inxhibit Theme. In addition, we can install a few helpful plugins, setup page templates, navigation menu, theme options and more. Get in touch for an estimate.

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Install WordPress (if necessary)
  • Install Inxhibit
  • Install some helpful plugins
  • Set up your theme options
  • Add your logo
  • Set up your menus
  • Set up your pages and templates ready for you to add your content
  • Set up JetPack Tiled Galleries

If you need help with further modifications to the Inxhibit theme beyond what can be achieved within the dashboard, get in touch with a detailed description of the customisations you require and we’ll provide you with an estimate. As part of this service we’ll create a child theme so that any modifications are not overwritten when Inxhibit is updated.